Hi, I'm Bronwyn Philipps

Off the Gluten Path was created to help people with Celiac disease, those with food intolerances or sensitivities, and those who simply want to follow a healthier way of eating.

“Off the gluten path” is my journey to make gluten-free ingredients more easily accessible and make gluten-free living easier. It is about creating a community for individuals who understand the challenges of living with dietary constraints. It is also a place where, regardless of your chosen food path, you can source the finest quality gluten-free and naturally free from gluten products.

How did it start?

After years of suffering from various health issues, I was diagnosed with Celiac disease and can confidently say that I am a “been-there, done-that” Celiac. While it has been relatively easy to cut gluten out of my diet in my home environment, it did mean I had to remove many of my favourite meals too.

I love to travel, so by default also eat out a lot. Despite checking if a menu item contains gluten, I still suffer the odd, decidedly ungraceful blackout and a midnight run to hospital after eating food with hidden gluten in the ingredients. And it is not the caterers’ fault! Finding out if a food contains gluten is complicated – it’s often disguised under various names such as triticum vulgare (wheat), secale cereal (rye), seitan (wheat), and malt (a form of barley) to name a few.

Off the gluten path was born, partly due to my frustration of having to shop at three or four different stores to buy my groceries, partly because I am tired of trying to decipher labels and cross my fingers that what I eat won’t make me sick (less stress for family and friends). Mostly, because I love good food and want to take the legwork out of choosing gluten-free products!

Our very 1st Expo in October '23 focused on how to thrive with GLUTEN-FREE LIVING


  • The difference between allergies and intolerances, and navigating these in everyday life.
  • Nutritional strategies for a strong immune system:  Navigating anti-nutrients, including gluten.
  • From Production to Palate:  Navigating the gluten-free journey.
  • Making gluten-free living easy and practical:  Understanding food labels.
  • Practical application of the Mediterranean Lifestyle
  • Elimination toxins from our daily lives.
  • Raising "Free From" Kids
Become part of our Gluten-free Community

What Our Attendees Said


Instagram Follower

"The information offered was invaluable. So many inspiring speakers. I'm pleased that it will be an annual event. Definitely not to be missed."


Instagram Follower

"It was a truly inspiring event. The part I enjoyed the most was being with other people who understand the struggles of Celiac life. Thank you for organising it and for inviting me to part of such a momentous occasion."


Instagram Follower

"SUCH an insightful day! 😍 Thank you for the amazing opportunity! I learnt so much more than I knew! ❤️"

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